Hi! I have struggled with this thing called "my weight" my entire life. I was the fat girl on the playground that kids made fun of. It wasn't until I started blossoming(that lovely thing called puberty) that my body grew into it's frame. I had a few years where I was thin, Jr. High and High School, according to pictures, but during those times I still thought I was fat. On my wedding day, I was my lowest, at 145lbs. and still thought I was overweight. Well, to a 5'7" woman that was great. Then I had children. 45lbs gained each time ending at a weight of over 220. Miserable. Insecure. Tired. That's how I felt back then. It isn't so much just about my weight any more, but it's about finding how the "why" to running to food for everything. I want to desire God more than I do food, but I don't always do that. I am on a journey not of weight loss, but figuring out self discipline. It's a journey with Jesus. To pursuing Him and in doing so, finding the why and replacing my cravings for food with God and to hopefully stand one day as an overcomer who thinks more about God than she does of food.
So, this is my real life journey. Bare. Raw. Ugly. True. It's not only a struggle with weight and overeating, it's a struggle with my flesh that tries to find other fulfillments oustide of God in my life. I made this to journal my daily struggles and accomplishments; My thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It will be at times a journey of joy and at other times a journey of discouragement.
But that is what it is- A JOURNEY...My Journey.